Downtown Phoenix Inc.

Downtown Phoenix Inc.


Mission Statement

We’ve made it easy to volunteer in Downtown Phoenix. Sign up for our Flock program and be connected to a hub of volunteer opportunities in the Downtown area.

By joining The Flock, we can make progress on issues, work toward sustainable growth, and build a stronger, more inclusive city core that creates memorable experiences and a sense of pride in Downtown.

Downtown Phoenix Inc.'s mission is to facilitate collaboration, cultivate connections, and contribute to both the growth and vitality of our community. To generate progress on issues, work toward sustainable growth and build a stronger, more inclusive city core that generates positive perceptions, memorable experiences and a sense of pride in downtown.

Vision: Deliver a vibrant and healthy downtown that makes the experience of our community enriching and engaging to residents, visitors, and businesses, and helps strengthen the reputation and heart of our city in a sustainable way.


Formed in 2013, Downtown Phoenix Inc. delivers enhanced municipal services to the Downtown business core, marketing, and event production to Greater Downtown, and manages the work plans for Phoenix Community Alliance and Downtown Phoenix Community Development Corporation. DPI and its affiliate organizations are committed to making Phoenix a vibrant urban destination and one of the nation’s great cities. For more information, please visit
